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Angular Architecture


Angular Architecture:

Angular is a platform and framework to build single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. It is written in Typescript.

   The basic building blocks are NgModules. It provides compilation context to components. An angular app has always a root module to enable bootstrapping.


                                                              Architectural diagram src:


The main building blocks of Angular applications:

  1.              Modules 
  2.             Component
  3.             Metadata
  4.             Templates
  5.             Directives 
  6.             Data binding
  7.             Services
  8.             Dependency injection


Angular applications are modular and every Angular app has a root module, which provides the bootstrap mechanism. 

    • An angular module is a class with an @NgModule decorator.
    • NgModules import the functionalities form other NgModules just like other JavaScript modules.
    • We can divide the functionality by making several modules. By making this it allows the reusability of code.



The component is the basic building block of Angular application. Every Angular app has at least 1 component known as the root component that connects a component hierarchy with the page document object model (DOM)

Command to create a Component by using Terminal:

  ng g component componentName

When you creating a component it will create the following files. 

Component.ts –  here, we can define the module, properties, data logics.

Component.html -  HTML file where you can see the view.

Component.scss - CSS file for the new component is created.

Component.spec.ts – testing file to perform unit testing


A component is defined using the @Component decorator. Under the  @Component decorator, you can define the following items.

Component  selector  - 'app-root',

Component template(HTML  File) -'./app.component.html'

Style for the component -'./app.component.scss'

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'AngularConcepts';


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